Thursday, November 2, 2017

Be a Sheep

Something I've been thinking about for the last couple weeks is the term "sheeple" for "people who are sheep." This is usually used as an insult, and is usually used towards religious people. I counter that it is actually a good thing. Christ Himself called His people sheep. Are we, then, to be offended at being called sheep? If anything it is a great compliment.

Why do people call others sheep? Supposedly, it's because those who are being called sheep follow blindly. However, sheep to not follow blindly. Sheep listen for the voice of they're shepherd, and only follow that voice. They know that voice. They know they can trust that voice. When an unfamiliar voice tries to call them, they will not follow. That doesn't sound like blind following to me. That sounds like a huge amount of trust following.

Also, even when the shepherd calls, the sheep don't always follow. The sheep still need to be herded, meaning directed in the way that they should go. At times, they will still try to go off on their own, to follow their own path. The shepherd guides and directs them, often with help from others, whether other shepherds or herding dogs. This really doesn't sound like following blindly.

Now, let's apply this to people. All people try to go their own way. They follow what path the think is best. Some people here the voice of the Good Shepherd. They try to follow Him, not blindly, but trustingly. They know they can trust Him. They know He will lead them to safety. Even still, sometimes they try to go a different way, thinking that it is better.

I am a sheep. I am a sheep who follows Christ. I think for myself, I follow the one I know I can trust. Being a sheep is a good thing.